jeudi 12 juillet 2007

should we jazz

I'd like to see computer science like music (1), jazz in particular, these guys often achieve mastery over a whole domain so they can "work" with each other in live time without "bugging"(2). Question is: will there be a "solfege" of computer science ??

ps: IBM next collaborative platform is called jazz, jazzin for everyone in the computer world ? hem

(1) actually i like to see kinda everything like music... rythm is fundamental, you can find it taichi or any sport, even life is question of rythm, cycles. Being on time is important ^^.
In music you work hard to be ready to handle the moving of the other, the environnement so you can keep on being "harmonic" (melodicaly and rythmically) so everything stays up.
*** I'm too "bisounours" in my head lol

(2) after all a bug looks like a note in the wrong key ^^;

video live jazz @ youtube