mercredi 30 avril 2008

java scala ..

recently a lot a languages have been developped on top of java/jvm , especially the handsome scala which is gaining focus (
and at the same time people start to enhance the jvm with things that i personally dig, check this out : . one step closer to interactivity in java :)

samedi 26 avril 2008


Thinking about a "distributed" browser displayed program (wont say webapp because id like to step a lil bit aside the classical db / appserver / html templates) i'm also rethinking the ui interaction modelisation ..

(* to be continued :reason no-more-battery *)

ps: what i like about web programs .. its like compilation you have to make a lot of parts explicit that seems obvious in local memory / cpu programs and its always good ^^

ps: i discovered a new web arch acronym : glass lol gemstone/linux/apache/seaside

dimanche 13 avril 2008


pas eu le temps de lire en detail
mais jaime son idee de depart

lundi 7 avril 2008






~ s.v().v().v(); ... si v : 'a -> void






why not push "fluent" interface as embedded grammar

class = non-terminal
method return type : T < Object = Right side non-terminal , void = terminal

something like this.

vendredi 4 avril 2008

there was many red pils neo ... many

"compared to lisp, java looks like a DSL" -- pwned

dunno why i see so much universality in lisp .. since i heard about it, everything i see is a function with parameters ..
html forms are like a visual instanciation of a small macro (xxxx-form-action (fields)) that would expand some soft typing to from a monadic user input to typed entities to some kind of business result.

talking about monads ... typed streams seems to be some specialisation of the monad concept.. or maybe only a practical image maybe. but it helped me to feel confident about it, maybe ill try to hask someday.

on top of that i see bindings everywhere ... i think im ready to read the lambda papers of sussman.

worthless to say that i spent my day trying to read java code that looks meaningless to me. even if its at least the tenth time that i read it. even if its 98% working (the 2% last arent even implementation bugs but domain ones T_T)
I have to admit that this student know how to program for sure. No style, no polymorphism but he always uses some kind of minimum feature set to reach his goal.


lisp again, ... everybody agree, lisp is some kind of really high level language.. for once i wont go against the mass. but at the same time i felt that lisp was also like assembly .. i mean it has the same level of composition and freedom. and it has just been confirmed in "the ultimate OpCode". ^^